
(There's a list with all the lambda notes here.)

We have made some numbers and some functions for working with numbers. Also some other datatypes.

We haven’t really done so here, but sometimes when we define numbers we fuss more about how they are constructed, about what the constructors are. We say things like: “A natural number is zero or it is the successor of a natural number.” (In a Standard ML we might say: datatype nat = Zero | Succ of nat)

We can do something similar but with the lambdas.

We already know what zero looks like:

0 ≜ λf.λx.x

We do not know that successor looks like:

S ≜ λn.λf.λx.f (n f x)

It takes a number, n, as its argument. S applied to n should return a number that is one larger than n.

(Remember: The number n is a function that, if given two arguments, applies the first argument n times to the second.)

So, S takes a number, n, as its argument, and returns one of those λf.λx.-functions. Within that function we do n f x (we apply n to f and x). This should amount to applying fn times” to x. And then we apply f to the result of n f x”, so that in total f should be applied “n+1 times” to x.

We can test it some and see if it looks right:

S 0

S (S 0)

S (S (S 0))

S (S (S (S (S 0))))

And like that’s it, that’s our successor. Maybe less impressive than the addition and multiplication functions we did earlier. But it’s kind of cool:

Will take a look at that last ting later.