Some numbery functions

(There's a list with all the lambda notes here.)

Somewhat a test-post, for having not-dead lambda calculus within a post. If you're viewing this in a web browser and it runs the JavaScript and so on, it should be interactive.

(There’s also kind of a lambda playground over here.)

To try, put cursor on line below and do ctrl+enter couple of times:

(λx.λy.y x) bar foo

If it works (if the ctrl+enter-business leads to a line that goes foo bar), we can make a few numbers... (ctrl+enter each line).

0 ≜ λf.λx.x
1 ≜ λf.λx.f x
2 ≜ λf.λx.f (f x)
5 ≜ λf.λx.f (f (f (f (f x))))

The idea, or at least one way to look at it, is that the number five is the function that does something five times. So, if we want to foo a bar five times, then we can... (ctrl+r to replace 5 with the lambdas from the definition we did above. Then ctrl+enter a couple of times.)

5 foo bar

Which maybe evaluated to foo (foo (foo (foo (foo bar)))). Five foos.

Okay. Addition is pretty numbery. Below is a function that takes arguments a and b, and gives back, uh, a λf.λx.-function. This function applies f to x and it will do that “b times.” And it will apply f to the result of that “a times.” Hopefully that amounts to f being applied “a + b times” to x (ctrl+enter on line below)

+ ≜ λa.λb.λf.λx.a f (b f x)

If things seem fine so far, we can try to use it. ctrl+r on line below to replace the names of the things we’ve defined with their lambdas. Then ctrl+enter a bunch of times to evaluate. (Or shift+enter one time.)

+ 5 (+ 5 2)

It’s maybe twelve! (Hopefully.)