I sometimes think that my site could have an "about" section. Something like:
Sir, what if the writer is attempting to create a story where nothing much happens? Where people don't change, they don't have any epiphanies, they struggle and are frustrated and nothing is resolved. More a reflection of the real world.
Blog posts and talks and things can be unlike that but they can also be like that.
I'm not always super comfortable about points being made, or answers being given, or destinations being reached.
I dunno. Like destinations can be cool but things can also get a little "I'm going over here and I'm taking you with me!" and also things can get a little pretend. And the destination might not be more interesting than the starting point. And maybe the starting point is this initial idea that has all these different paths going through it and the way it is a crossroads like that could be the thing as much as one of the possible destinations could be. I dunno.
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. POSSN is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Nowhere.
Not that there's anything wrong with POSSE, but POSSN really takes the edge of things.
It's possible to like, write a thing and put it on the site and not commit to doing anything more than that with it. Sometimes I give it a day or two and then decide if I wanna post a link to it somewhere else. Or maybe link to it when it seems relevant to some situation. Or just not.
Is blog? Not sure. I sometimes wonder if I should inform people that posts are not final and immutable things that are necessarily mostly written in advance of the publishing timestamp or something like that, or if it's just eh whatever. Probably mostly eh.