Glorpdown is plaintexty and mildly line-oriented, not totally unlike Gemtext. (Although at this point also a little less similar to Gemtext than it used to be.) I use it for this website.
This is kind of documentation, maybe mostly test page.
Lines that start with #
, ##
or ###
# one
## two
### three
Lines that start with >
> blep
Lines that start with at least three -
Lines that start with *
* one
* two
Lines that starts with at least two `
-characters. Following lines are preformatted text, until there's a line that starts with the same number of `
-characters. Text-part of line that turns preformatted text off is caption. (Text-part of the one that turns it on can potentially be picked up by renderer for rendering things differently or something.)
code here
not turned off yet so things are still code
`` Description of the code
Is rendered as:
code here
not turned off yet so things are still code
## Drawings
Preformatted but with "drawing" on the turn-on-line:
``` drawing
.------+--. .->|`asd`|
|`blep`| | / '-----+
``` A drawing
## Img
``` img
``` Probably a dog
## Text
Other lines are empty or they're lines with regular text. Text can be formatted a little. Text between two `\``-characters is code. Text between two `_`-characters is emphasized. Formatting cannot be nested. `\\` is used for escaping. Escaping works for any character, but can be useful for formatting characters, escape characters, and characters at the start of a line (e.g. if you want a regular text line to start with `=>`).
\=> Text line with `code with \`-character` and _emphasis with `-character_.
\=> Text line with `code with \`-character` and _emphasis with `-character_.
And `^` is used for links. Mostly same mechanism as for formatting. So you cannot emphasise text within a link and so on...
^^ and ^ bunny^.
^^ and ^ bunny^.
## Key-value pairs
Lines that start with `:` followed by and then some non-whitespace character. Stuff directly after the `:` is the key. The text part of the line is the value. Used for some things. This page has a ^./datetime.txt timestamp^ and a description kind of attached to the first heading:
# Glorpdown
:pub Zk7NML
:blurb Dawn of glorp.
Okay I think that's mostly it.