A few notes to self, in case I'm looking for previous stuff to copypaste in some future december or something...
Maybe this mostly just "Lua stuff I think is fun" and not necessarily always that AoC related? Anyway I like Lua, it's smol. When I AoC with Lua I usually make pretty self-contained programs that only depend on the plain and regular Lua implementation and its standard library.
Here's some example code. It does the file stuff that usually needs to be done and the "works in the browser as well" thing.
If not line by line: Possibly f:read("*all")
instead of f:lines()
Here's foldl
because because:
function foldl(f, acc, list)
for _, v in ipairs(list) do acc = f(acc, v) end
return acc
Cataphatically matching on and grabbing what I want is often preferable to apophatically splitting on what I don't want.
If I e.g. have a line of input like "123: 54 34 12"
and I need to do one thing with the number before the :
and one thing with the rest of the numbers. I typically ignore the :
and just gmatch
to get the numbers:
local line = "123: 25 34 12"
local nums = line:gmatch("%d+")
local first = tonumber(nums())
local rest = {}
for n in nums do table.insert(rest, tonumber(n)) end
print(foldl(function(a, b) return a + b end, first, rest))
print(foldl(function(a, b) return a - b end, first, rest))
If there had been a varying number of numbers before the :
I'd probably match and grab the before and after pieces before doing work on those:
local line = "123 456: 25 34 12"
local before, after = line:match("(.*):(.*)")
print("before:", '"' .. before .. '"')
print("after:", '"' .. after .. '"')
(The match
function and the iterator function you get from gmatch
return multiple values when patterns with multiple captures match something. It's nice.)
, it returns start position and stop index if it finds. Sometimes I wanna keep finding from the stop index + 1. The values returned for empty capture groups are also positions, so I guess I don't really need find
? Certainly not if I'm mostly interested in the stop + 1 thing:
local text = "beep boop pling bap"
local _, stop, found = text:find("(p%a*g)")
print(found, stop + 1)
local found, stop = text:match("(p%a*g)()")
print(found, stop)
This area of the Lua manual is sometimes handy.
If I want to e.g. use x,y-positions as keys in a table, for each unique x,y-value there should be only one table. "Constructing" the same position twice gives me two references to the same table, and not two tables with equal x and y values:
vecs = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" })
Vec = {}
function vec(x, y)
local key = x .. "," .. y
local found = vecs[key]
if found then return found end
local v = setmetatable({ x = x, y = y}, Vec)
vecs[key] = v
return v
See also: Programming in Lua: 17.1 – Memoize Functions.
The "weak" stuff (__mode = "v"
) is not usually important particularly important for AoC stuff.
I typically use vectors for positions and also for directions. Som stuf:
function Vec.__add(a, b) return vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y) end
function Vec.__tostring(a) return a.x .. "," .. a.y end
N, E, S, W = vec(0, -1), vec(1, 0), vec(0, 1), vec(-1, 0)
N.name = "N" ; E.name = "E" ; S.name = "S" ; W.name = "W"
dirs = { N, E, S, W }
N.right = E ; E.right = S ; S.right = W ; W.right = N
N.left = W ; W.left = S ; S.left = E ; E.left = N
NW, NE, SE, SW = N + W, N + E, S + E, S + W
NW.name = "NW" ; NE.name = "NE" ; SE.name = "SE" ; SW.name = "SW"
dirs = { NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W }
And then things like these might happen:
function mappy(lines)
local map = {}
local w = 1
local y = 0
for line in lines do
y = y + 1
local x = 0
for c in line:gmatch(".") do
x = x + 1
map[vec(x, y)] = c
w = math.max(w, x)
map.size = vec(w, y)
return map
function printmap(map)
for y = 1, map.size.y do
for x = 1, map.size.x do
io.write(map[vec(x, y)] or " ")
local example = [[
| |
local map = mappy(example:gmatch("[^\n]+"))
print(map[vec(1,1)], map[vec(1,2)], map[vec(2,1)])
. That's it, that's the data structures.
Sets are tables where we only care about the keys (and just set the values to true or something).
You can use the same table as a list and a dictionary and a set if you'd like. Unless you can't because the keys are clashing or something. Or maybe don't want. But like. Some times.
There's a next
local table = { x = 1, y = 3, z = 5 }
You can use it to get a first key and value from a table, and also a next key and value given a previous key:
local t = { x = 1, y = 3, z = 5 }
local k, v = next(t)
while k do
print(k, v)
k, v = next(t, k)
(I think that when we use the pairs
function to get an iterator, next
is used under the hood.)
Sometimes there's stuff like: I have this set of "candidates" and I wanna pick one and do something with it andalso the doing generates more candidates and I don't wanna pick the same thing multiple times. next
is useful. Since it's a set I'll ignore the second return value from next and just use the key:
local set = { [1] = true, [3] = true, [5] = true }
local closed = {}
local function add(n)
if n < 1000 and not closed[n] then set[n] = true end
local n = next(set)
while n do
set[n] = nil
closed[n] = true
add(n + n + n)
add(n * n)
n = next(set)
Helper function if I need to do the cachy memoization thing with more than one type of data structure. I typically want to pass in a "key" function and a constructor function:
function memo(key, new)
local all = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" })
return function(...)
local k = key(...)
local found = all[k]
if found then return found end
local v = new(...)
all[k] = v
return v
Person = {}
person = memo(
function(pos, dir) return tostring(pos) .. " " .. dir.name end,
function(pos, dir) return setmetatable({ pos = pos, dir = dir }, Person) end)
Person.__index = Person
function Person.__tostring(p) return tostring(p.pos) .. " " .. p.dir.name end
function Person.step(p) return person(p.pos + p.dir, p.dir) end
local a, b = person(vec(3, 4), N), person(vec(3, 5), N)
print(a, b, b:step())
print("", a == b, a == b:step())
local c = person(vec(3, 3), S)
print(a, c, c:step())
print("", a == c, a == c:step())
print(a.pos == c:step().pos)
Metatables and Metamethods in the manual`.
Most of the metamethods enables syntax like the +
print(vec(5, 5) + vec(2, 4))
Dog = {}
function dog(name)
return setmetatable({ name = name }, Dog)
function Dog.__tostring(d) return "a dog called " .. d.name end
function Dog.__add(a, b) return tostring(a) .. " PLUS " .. tostring(b) end
function Dog.bark(d) print(d.name .. ": Woof") end
deg = dog("Tähti")
Note that the first argument of a binary operation like __add
might not be the one with the metatable with that __add
function. While the first operand of the +
expression takes precedence, the _add
of the second operand can get called:
print(deg + "a string")
print("a string" + deg)
Related: Greater than (or equal to) expressions are rewritten to less than (or equal to) expressions before things get to __lt
(or __le
Also the metatable is generally only reached through the metamethods and not more directly. If I want something kind of like "methods defined by a class" then I probably wanna go through __index
. This works:
Dog.__index = Dog
This doesn't:
Dog.__index = nil
For functionmethodstuff, some things are pretty equivalent:
Dog.__index = Dog
function Dog.bark(d) print(d.name .. ": Woof") end
function Dog:bark() print(self.name .. ": Woof") end
Dog.bark = function(d) print(d.name .. ": Woof") end
is also sometimes nice for stuff like initializing default values in a table when needed:
Foo = {}
function foo() return setmetatable({}, Foo) end
function Foo.__index(t, k)
local res = foo()
t[k] = res
return res
local foo = foo()
foo.bar = "blep"
foo.beep.boop = "bap"
(__newindex(t, k, v)
is also a thing. Haven't used it much. I'm a bit uncertain about it and the "key
must not already be present in table" condition.)
I usually use fairly pure and functional data structures for smol things like vectors, but not for larger things like 2D maps. The immutable stuff is easiest to deal with when trying different alternatives and backtracking and stuff like that: I have a value. I try one thing. I try another thing. The value didn't change in-between. (Also, if I'm doing the cachy memoization stuff where I'm always using the same table for the same x,y-value, things will very break if I start changing the x,y-values of vectors after constructing them.)
With mutable stuff things are more awkward and I might need to "undo" changes instead. For small changes I can probably just do that kind of ad hoc. But if I wanna do a bunch of changes and then be able to throw those changes away, __index
might be useful: I can keep an original table unchanged while "inheriting" its values through __index
When I'm using the over
table below, writes modify over
and reads read from original
if the key is not present in over
local example = [[
| |
local original = mappy(example:gmatch("[^\n]+"))
print("original, before:")
local over = setmetatable({}, { __index = original })
print("over, before:")
over[vec(2, 2)] = "#"
print("\nover, after:")
print("original, after:")
if-then-else is statement stuff. For expression stuff, and
and or
is nice.
and false
is false, all else is truthtrue and 4
evaluates to 4
, false or 2
evaluates to 2
for n = 1, 100 do
(n % 3 == 0 and n % 5 == 0 and "fizzbuzz")
or (n % 3 == 0 and "fizz")
or (n % 5 == 0 and "buzz")
or n)
Oh kay.